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Gemini Advanced vs. ChatGPT 4: Battle of AI Minds

Attention, AI enthusiasts!

Google recently unveiled a major upgrade to its AI chatbot, Gemini, dubbed Gemini Advanced. They even introduced a monthly subscription for $25 to keep it running.

But with the fierce competition among companies to dominate the burgeoning AI market, a crucial question arises: which one is better?

To answer this, we conducted an experiment on both Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT 4, using the same prompt for both programs to see which one would generate more creative outputs.

Let’s delve into the results and compare them!

Generate a photo of a group of astronauts snowboarding on the moon’s surface.
Generated by GPT 4

While ChatGPT 4 generated a high-resolution image that matched the prompt, Gemini was unable to do so. The response was: I can’t generate images of that. Try asking me to generate images of something else.

Create an image of a group of businessmen sitting in the desert in a meeting
Generated by GPT 4
Generated by Gemini Advanced

While Gemini Advanced seems to have adhered to the prompt and generated a medium quality image, we noticed that ChatGPT 4 was more creative. After all, the surroundings of businesmen are usually distinctive, even in the middle of the desert! The unique carpet, the organized tents, and even the way the meeting is conducted all demonstrate creative superiority. We’ll leave it up to you to judge!

Generate an image of a river of honey with a tree next to it
Generated by GPT 4
Generated by Gemini Advanced

While ChatGPT 4 seemed dreamy and detached from the idea, creating a cartoonish image, Gemini Advanced seemed more accurate in creating the image, and the scene was naturally more beautiful.

Design a poster for James Bond new movie starring mice
Generated by GPT 4
Generated by Gemini Advanced

Once again, Gemini seems to be more text-adherent and less accurate, while ChatGPT 4 has designed a more creative image with some words placed at the bottom, suggesting that it is a real poster for the new movie. We will also leave the judgment up to you here, and now we will try to test the memory of both ChatGPT 4 and Gemini in following the edit on the images.

Write the title of the new movie: James Bond: Mice battle on the previous image
Generated by GPT 4
Generated by Gemini Advanced

While both AI chatbots still do not have the ability to edit the images they generate.
GPT4 chat showed a greater ability to remember and also a distinct ability to write on images, while it seems that Gemini Advanced is still lost and generating random images.


So, after trying out a bunch of commands to generate images using AI, it’s pretty clear that ChatGPT 4 is way better than Gemini Advanced at making pictures. ChatGPT 4 is way more creative and can come up with really cool and unique images. Gemini Advanced, on the other hand, seems like it has a long way to go if it wants to compete in this field. But hey, who knows what the future holds? We’ll just have to sit back and watch this crazy race unfold!