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How to Snag Awesome People for Your Startup?

Let’s be real, hiring for your startup is no joke. Building a team that crushes it means having the right people in the right seats. So, if you’re tired of sifting through boring resumes and want to build a rockstar crew, read on! Here’s the inside scoop on finding those superstars.

First Things First: What Do You Actually Need?

Before you go posting job ads everywhere, take some time to chill and get clear on what you need. Ask yourself:

  • What jobs gotta get done? List out exactly what needs doing in those early startup days. Be specific about the tasks involved in each role.
  • What skills are non-negotiable? Figure out the tech skills, people skills, and any other must-haves for success.
  • What’s the vibe? Beyond resumes, what kinda attitudes and mindsets click with your startup’s mission?
Time to Hunt: Where to Find Those Hidden Gems?

Don’t get stuck on the same old boring job boards. Get out there and find your future superstars through these channels:

  • Talk to your people: Your network is gold! Hit up former colleagues, industry friends, even folks from your old college club. You never know who they might know.
  • Hit up job boards, the smart way: While big sites like LinkedIn are a must, smaller niche boards focused on your industry or startups can be super helpful.
  • Campus connection: Partner with local universities to tap into fresh talent eager to make their mark.
  • Get social: Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter let you target specific skills and find those people who aren’t even looking…yet.
  • Team power: Get your early employees on board with a referral program and score great people right from their networks.
Job Posts That Don’t Suck

A “meh” job description will attract “meh” candidates. Think of it as your startup’s ad campaign:

  • Show some personality: Let your company’s mission and culture shine through. Ditch the stuffy corporate speak.
  • Sell the impact: Be clear about how each role matters to your bigger goals. People want to be part of something awesome.
  • Transparency is your friend: Don’t try to sugarcoat it – be upfront about the startup life, the good and the challenging.
Interviews: It’s Not Just About the Resume

The interview is where you find out if someone’s got the chops and the vibes. Here’s the plan:

  • Think beyond the typical questions: Ask things that uncover how they think, respond to challenges, and if their passions align with yours.
  • Make it a convo: Give candidates space to express their ideas and see if they click with your team’s energy.
  • The truth tellers: Never skimp on reference checks. You want the inside scoop on how they actually work, not just the resume highlights.
Why People Should WANT to Work For You?

Let’s face it, startups don’t have the big corporate perks. But you’ve got other aces up your sleeve:

  • Mission matters: People want to feel like their work has a purpose. Showcase your “why” loud and clear.
  • Room to run: Offer flexibility and ownership over projects. Startups attract doers, not people who want to be hand-held.
  • Keep it real: Transparent communication and an open-door policy go a long way in building trust.
  • Invest in your people: Show that you’re committed to their growth through mentorship, training, or whatever’s relevant to your field.
Seal the Deal

You found your unicorn? Go get ’em! Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Pay with respect: Your compensation has to be realistic for the market and for your startup’s stage.
  • A slice of the action: Stock options or other equity stakes make future success their success.
  • Don’t drag your feet: Great people get swept up fast. If they’re the right fit, move with confidence.
  • Onboarding FTW: Set your new superstar up for success with a solid welcome and orientation.

Remember, building an awesome team isn’t an overnight thing. But by getting deliberate about your hiring, ditching the cookie-cutter approach, and investing in your people, you’ll assemble that amazing crew your startup needs to thrive.

1 Comment

  • Saad Meloni
    Posted February 15, 2024 at 12:59 am

    Nice article 💯

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